Word of the say Kindred

Kindred This is closer than family, we choose these people that have complementary viewpoints and experiences. The family of choice understands the black sheep in us and encourages our development. We all try not to be alone, we want to be around those who get it. Blood can be kindred, kindred is not necessarily blood, […]

Word of the day chic

Chic Dad bod, that’s the new word for out of shape. We blame our kids because we are tired and worn out. For me I know it’s my fault. I’ve eaten poorly, I’ve helped my kids eat poorly, today we are sitting around watching tv instead of going to the park or on a hike. […]

Word of the day Nervous

Nervous A job interview, public speaking, discussing finances with your spouse, meeting your child’s friends. I try to use the energy generated by these anxieties to make it through the encounters. When I get feedback, its usually positive. Most people can’t tell that I’d rather have a lumbar puncture. Nerves can sabotage a great presentation, […]

Word of the day Zest

Zest As a kid, we used bar soap. When it was a good week it was zest, when my folks fought it was some generic scentless brand. My mom claimed allergies to scents when she thought that my dad was cheating, which was often. We all shared the same soap and when I hit puberty […]

Word of the day barely

Barely Being able to pack all your belongings in the back if a Geo Metro was a skill I excelled at. It was a badge of pride, and since I was 12 a matter of necessity. There was the winter where we were moving out of the parsonage and into a townhouse. My mother was […]

Time off

So last week I attended Mid Atlantic Podcasting Conference #mapcon #mapcon5 in Atlantic City. This is a conference for podcasters around the country and not just from the Mid Atlantic states. It was a great time to meet new podcasters, see old friends and catch up in person vs over FB. I crave these connections […]

Word of the day Wicked

Wicked Oh boy folks, do I have some stories to tell you on this topic. But that is for the newest podcast I’m working on. So here are my thoughts instead. Wicked is a conscious and deliberate act. People who are wicked, unless there is a serious mental disorder, know exactly what they are doing […]

Word of the day Lost

Lost I couldn’t find this post when I started it two days ago. My identity has left, once I was the coffee shop king and smoked mindlessly. Writing without abandon and living as if tomorrow was truly going to end my feeble reign. Now I answer to Papa, the old me is packed away in […]